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Our Mission

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U.S. out of Iraq
Jumpstart Ford
911- press for truth

To encourage everyone to use our billions of dollars in gasoline purchases to:

  1. Bring all U.S. military and mercenary forces home from Iraq, immediately.
  2. Impeach George W. Bush for getting us into an illegal war and to prosecute him and other U.S. officials responsible for war crimes in Iraq.
  3. Fund through international agencies the rebuilding of Iraq and compensation to Iraqis with family members killed, injured or abused by occupation forces.

We are also asking everyone to boycott:

Campbell Soup, Carlson Companies (Radisson Hotels, TGI Friday's), Corning Inc., Metlife, Novartis, Pfizer, Verizon, Wells Fargo and Wyeth because these firms can influence ExxonMobil through board members they share in common with ExxonMobil.

A boycott of major corporations to accomplish such goals may seem unlikely to succeed given the size of the firms involved. And, this is an unusual step to reach such specific objectives.

Further, we recognize the deep seriousness of action that can affect people's livelihoods.

Nevertheless, we feel compelled to undertake this step because of the continuing failure of the U.S. Congress to (1) face up to the gross suffering and violations of human rights being caused by the war and (2) respond to the growing dissatisfaction with war among the American people. The boycott is appropriate because this Congress appears to be most interested in satisfying the demands of major corporations.

Seeing the Light

In addition to the specific goals just mentioned, the boycott intends to demonstrate that:

red bulletAs the world reaches peak production of oil, ExxonMobil, other petroleum companies and the U.S. government must understand that we will not tolerate war for oil. Apart from the horrific suffering it causes, war is a hopeless postponement of basic changes in the U.S. economy and society urgently needed now. By its complicity in U.S. designs on Iraq and the Middle East, and its fierce resistance to changing course on global warming, ExxonMobil stands out as a leader in corporate irresponsibility.
("Ethical issue snapshots" of ExxonMobil-
A people's history of the United States )




red bulletWe insist on reversing impoverishment of the U.S. and Iraq that is resulting from the war. We will not support the unconscionable exploitation of currently impoverished people and people of color to provide recruits for the Iraq War. And we will not tolerate the impressing of anyone into fighting to support the global ambitions of ExxonMobil and other petroleum companies, noting that the pricing policies of these firms are contributing to impoverishment here and around the world.

We seek to withdraw our economic support from ExxonMobil and redirect it to CITGO and enterprises that are willing to behave as responsible energy producers.




Let's Try a Little Enlightened Democracy

We have written to ExxonMobil, urging it to publicly endorse the goals of the boycott and to engage its full lobbying force to achieve the goals. (ExxonMobil reports spending $7.7 million on lobbying in 2004.) And, we have written to the nine consumer products firms that have board members in common with ExxonMobil, urging them to endorse the boycott goals and to persuade ExxonMobil to do so.

Novartis is the only corporation to respond:

See Novartis' response (dated November 28, 2005)
See our reply to their response (dated December 21, 2005)
Novartis' most recent reply (dated January 20, 2006)

Ethical guidance is among the responsibilities of corporate board members, and the U.N. Human Rights Commission notes that corporations have the obligation to "promote, secure the fulfillment of, respect, ensure respect of and protect human rights recognized in international as well as national law, including the rights and interestes of indigenous peoples and other vulnerable groups."

We have provided a copy of our letter to Dr. Henry A. McKinnell Jr., Chairman and CEO of Pfizer Inc., who sits on the ExxonMobil board of directors. You may wish to use it as a sample in writing your own letter to him, other ExxonMobil board members, or Lee Raymond, head of ExxonMobil. We have listed all the ExxonMobil board members, with addresses.

After Jan. 1, 2006, address your letters to Rex Tillerson, currently president of ExxonMobil, who will replace Mr. Raymond as ExxonMobil's chair and CEO.

( Note: ExxonMobil, Pfizer and Novartis are among 220 companies, keen on doing business in Iraq, that sent representatives to a "procurement" conference in London in 2004 that was praised by a Novartis official as "the most productive, practical and successful business event" in a series of "reconstruction events".
All three firms avow respect for human rights. Novartis is most specific: "Novartis does not engage in or benefit from war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, torture, forced disappearance, forced or compulsory labor, hostage-taking, other violations of humanitarian law or other international crimes against the human person as defined by international law.")



Fallujah Says it all

FALLUJAH - In 2004 the United States destroyed Fallujah. It was a war crime and a crime against humanity. This action typifies the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. This video shows what happened, and what continues to happen daily if on a smaller scale.

Click here to watch the video preview of "Caught in the Crossfire"

Watch the video preview of
"Caught in the Crossfire"., through the ExxonMobil War Boycott, is working to stop the killing in Iraq; to end the United States' occupation of Iraq; and to bring the perpetrators of the war to justice.

To assist you in boycotting ExxonMobil and firms connected to it through its board of directors, you may wish to have Democracy Dollars.

Democracy Dollar-click here to print and/or buy

click to print or buy

You may wish to write to the ExxonMobil Board of Directors

Click to see ExxonMobil's Board of Directors