and the ExxonMobil War Boycott have been launched through the efforts of a number of people, most notably, in alphabetical order:
Don DeBar, reporter, Regional Roundup, WBAI, New York
Nada Khader, Executive Director, Wespac Foundation, White Plains, New York
Sunny Miller, Executive Director, Traprock Peace Center, Deerfield, Massachusetts
Nick Mottern, coordinator of
The website was created by Positronic Design, Holyoke, MA, with special thanks to Christopher Gendron, web designer, and Jennifer Earl, creator of the Democracy Dollar.
Consumers for Peace
1061 Main Street PMB 111
Peekskill, New York 10566
Fallujah Says it all
FALLUJAH - In 2004 the United States destroyed Fallujah. It was a war crime and a crime against humanity. This action typifies the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. This video shows what happened, and what continues to happen daily if on a smaller scale.
Watch the video preview of
"Caught in the Crossfire"., through the ExxonMobil War Boycott, is working to stop the killing in Iraq; to end the United States' occupation of Iraq; and to bring the perpetrators of the war to justice.
To assist you in boycotting ExxonMobil and firms connected to it through its board of directors, you may wish to have Democracy Dollars.
You may wish to write to the ExxonMobil Board of Directors